Wayshowers Community Fellowship International is a spiritual, charitable, non-profit, organization based upon the life example of Dr. Francisco Coll that “Spirit is Our River.”  Built upon Dr. Coll’s pioneering work, Wayshowers Community Fellowship (WCF) focuses on understanding and respecting the innate wisdom and unique spiritual purpose of people living and growing on Planet Earth.

 Our goals are to:

  • Support the wayshower in each of us, the part of us that inspires and shows a way to others.
  • Bring to life the deeper spiritual truths contained in the spiritual traditions on planet earth, healing division and building understanding.
  • Expand inner communication and spiritual consciousness within individuals, communities, nations and the world.
  • Provide a community fellowship for every unique spiritual path.

We invite you to explore information and inspiration on many different Spiritual Traditions.  You are welcome to participate in our monthly Spiritual Book Club exchanges. Take a moment to experience your own unique Spiritual celebration with one of the inspirational audio/visual meditations.  Join us on our weekly tele-conference healing call which gathers people to share healing meditation, inspirational messages and energy healing.

 –  It is Our Spirit That Unites Us!  –

Enjoy exploring information on different Spiritual Traditions. Join us on the weekly long-distance healing conference call which gathers people to share healing messages and energy. Take a moment to experience your own unique Spiritual celebration with one of the inspirational audio/visual meditations